This piece, above, ‘Landscapes of Memory’ is the title of and is part of an installation in a solo show I had in ‘the salt gallery’ in Hayle, Cornwall. In many ways the text sums up much of what my work is about; making material those fleeting ideas, deep seated hopes and fears, a longing for the ineffable and a sense of the numinous.
23 July 2020
I made this plate in print studio at the University of Hertfordshire. Not happy with it and have added corborundum. Interested to see how it prints next week.
Update . . . you win some you lose some.
20 July 2020
Studio wall . . . thinking space. Sometimes work evolves very slowly, hits a brick wall or just seems to die. May have to wait and see . . .
8 July 2020
I read that Fergal Stapleton’s approach to art is “you could choose a material and let the art develop out of that and the meaning would follow later because you had something brewing in your head anyway”. And Lubaina Hamid said “I don’t start with meaning, I don’t know anything about the meaning as I start . . . and I allow the meaning to reveal itself as the ideas and organic responses meet.”
This really resonates with me.
6 July 2020
Saw this quote some time ago, I don’t know who to credit, but it expresses something with which I identify; “each new book starts to take on a life of its own after a while it’s my job as the artist to honour the direction that the book wants to go in”
5 July 2020
I’ve just begun to build this website and it’s a real challenge. Square Space comes highly recommended and their templates look very clean and professional. There is considerable help and support, but I don’t speak the language! That’s the language of TLAs (three letter acronyms).
But ‘Lock Down’ seemed like a good time to get my head around something new. I’ve got photographs all over the place, many from long ago, i have memories of documentation lost in computer crashes or somehow mislaid . . . so time to get my act together!
I’m going to start where I am now, Over 16 weeks since we started self isolation; no supermarkets, no shopping of any sort, no visitors and strict social distancing when out walking. We have eased up during the past three weeks, visitors in the garden and very carefully selected shopping occasions but almost all shopping online.
So work, making art, has happened in the strangest of circumstances, and that only in my home studio with no time in the print studio at Digswell Arts.